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Amazing Body Scrubs for your Skin Care

Body Scrub - Introduction, What is Body Scrub? Benefits of Body Scrub, Tips for use, Home Remedies.

Hi! Everyone, What's up? are you looking for an amazing body scrub which is easy to make, use, and super effective then this post is the solution of your all problems related to the Skincare. In this, we make an amazing DIY body scrub which is used in a great way to keep your skin looking vibrant and healthy. Basically, body scrub is a popular way to exfoliate your skin. You can make your very own homemade body scrub using ingredients you already have in your kitchen. Read the full post for proper information.

If you didn't follow my blog then follow me now via E-mail for such interesting content and tips. Your all problems one solution Dailyhealthshots. Also, follow me on Instagram- @dailyhealthshots_ & Pinterest- @Dailyhealthshots link is in my blog follow me page. If you want to ask something and want any tips then comment down below. Also, share this post with your loved one.

Have you tried this? I am excited to hear how its work for you. Share your experience in the comment box down below : )



Q. - What is Body Scrub?
  • A body scrub is a popular treatment that is basically a facial for the body. It exfoliates and hydrates your skin, leaving it smooth and soft. A body scrub is done with an abrasive material- usually sea salt or sugar mixed with some kind of massage oil and an aromatic like essential oils. Body scrubs are great for exfoliating dry skin because they remove the dry, dead skin cells and help you to nourish the fresh, new skin underneath. The result is soft and glowing skin all over.

Q. - Benefits of Body Scrubs?
  • Exfoliation with a body scrub, or with other types of products like a brush or loofah, can help boost the health and appearance of your skin in several ways. Body scrub can leave your skin looking brighter because it removes the top layer of dead skin cells. It can also stimulate the production of collagen, which may help your skin stay firm and radiant.
  • In addition, massaging your skin with a body scrub can also be a wonderful way to relax and feel calmer, especially if you are tired or stressed.

Q. - Tips for body scrub?
  • These homemade scrubs are only intended to be used on your body, not your face. The skin on your face is more sensitive than the skin on the rest of your body. 
  • If you want to add essential oils to your body scrub, do a patch test with the diluted oil on your skin first to make sure you are not allergic to the oil.
  • These natural homemade exfoliants can be used to cleanse, soften, and nourish your skin. Always be gentle when exfoliating your skin, and use extra caution if your skin is sensitive or very dry.

Q. - Home Remedies of body scrub?

1.  Coffee Scrub - Coffee is a popular ingredient for many DIY body scrubs. The tiny granules are gently on the skin, while still being effective at removing dead cells from the skin's surface.
  • We need - 1/2 cup coffee grounds, 2tbsp of hot water, 1tbsp of warmed coconut oil.
  •  Directions:-
                   1. Add the coffee grounds and hot water to a mixing bowl. Mix thoroughly with a spoon.
                   2. Add coconut oil. If need, add more coffee grounds to get the consistency right.

                  3. Stored it in a container and use 3 times in a week during bathing.


2.  Brown Sugar Scrub - Brown sugar is an inexpensive and accessible ingredient that also does a great job of exfoliating your skin. It is gentler in skin that sea salt or Epsom salt. This makes it an ideal ingredient for sensitive skin.
  • We need - 1/2 brown sugar, 1/2 cup oil of your choice, such as coconut, almonds, etc, essential oils (optional)
  • Directions:-
                  1. Combine brown sugar and oil in a mixing bowl.

                  2. Mix thoroughly. If needed, add more sugar and oil to get the consistency right.

                  3. If desired, add 1 or 2 drops of essential oil and mix it well.

                 4. Stored in a container and use 3 times a week for better results.


3.  Yogurt Body Scrub - Yogurt has excellent cleansing property that helps clean your skin bt removing dead skin cells and impurities. It also helps moisturizes your skin.
  • We need - 1tbsp of yogurt, 1/4 cup of olive oil, 1tbsp of honey, 1tbsp of granulated sugar.
  • Directions:-
                   1. Combine all the ingredients until you get a coarse paste.

                   2. Cleansing your skin an apply this paste onto it.

                  3. Use your finger to gentle massage in circular motion on your body.

                  4. Exfoliate your body properly.

                  5. Wash it off with lukewarm water.

                  6. Use this 3 times a week for better results.


4.  Organic Turmeric Body Scrub - Turmeric is one of the most popular natural beauty ingredients used in India. It has strong antiseptic and antibacterial properties which helps to maintain your skin at its youngest best.
  • We need - 1 cup of sugar, 2tbsp of turmeric powder, 1 half cup of coconut oil. 
  • Directions:-
                  1. Combine all ingredients and mix them well.

                 2. During bathing time apply this mixture all over your body and exfoliate properly on each                           part.

                 3. After exfoliate wash it off with lukewarm water.

                4. Use this 3 times a week for better results.


If you didn't follow my blog then follow me now via E-mail for such interesting content and tips. Your all problems one solution Dailyhealthshots. Also, follow me on Instagram- @dailyhealthshots_ & Pinterest- @Dailyhealthshots link is in my blog follow me page. If you want to ask something and want any tips then comment down below. Also, share this post with your loved one.

Have you tried this? I am excited to hear how its work for you. Share your experience in the comment box down below : )


Take Care!   Thank You : )


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